Thursday, June 17, 2004

poemster implosion

What can I say?I have at times a sordid sense of humor.Combine that with poor writing skills and what do you get?Right,a poemster implosion.Of what magnitude? I don't know.Might take awhile to assess the damage.
Anyway I left the posts there untouched.Seemed to freak Anna and MiKe out although I really don't think MiKe was all that freaked out.I don't buy it.He's the one who said he was going to save humanity,I just wanted to get him going in the right direction.It was un_poemster-like though,but I won't censor it for any reason.I take full responsibility for my remarks.The captain must go down with the ship.It was typed at lunchtime quickly and should have been edited to be less,uh less er maybe editted out altogether.It was convoluted thin....I was going to say convoluted thinking but it wasn't,in fact it was just convoluted.It was an attempt to analyze current vast differences in the world concerning killing and what levels are acceptable.Is it OK to kill bugs,snakes,furry creatures,people,what?It was intended to encourage dialogue on consensus building.I think the concept was alright actually but it was not put forth right.I think this isn't the right kind of site for it,after all I did say it was our site and I feel now that I let you down.I am akin to a tornado in a hurricane and it takes extra effort for me to get organized.I didn't expend much energy on this.I personally thought some of it was funny though.
The events were real however and I want you to know that the bugs did
present a "clear and gathering threat to my food supply and therefore me" and a preemptive strike was necessary.I couldn't wait to form a coalition so I went in unilaterally.
It's all stuff I'm interested in,man does not live by poems alone, you know?.Anyway,I'll monitor the traffic if I see a response that's too negative I may slip out but I'll resign publicly as poemster-in-chief.Maybe I'll include the line "you won't have the_poemster to kick around anymore" like Nixon did.If anybody feels let down it was not my intent and I apologize.


Blogger anna said...


What does it mean??

I'm so confused. ROB! EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!

12:08 AM  
Blogger MiKe said...

Was only jokin about the freakin out thing...
Did you mean to say that you might abandon a whole group of loyal readers ?
Get a grip ...
Maybe it would be safer to save you first and then proceed to saving humanity. But of course every man can save himself on his own, so if you could do so that would save me a lotta precious time. ;)


3:05 AM  
Blogger rob said...

MiKe,Thanks I sensed I could count on you.And thanks,your response made me laugh.I really do like the way you think and your site expresses many truths about people in general.I try not to be hypocritical and it takes a conscious effort actually to not be.The duality(at least) of mans very nature makes this hard.
My days are comprised of associating with all kinds of people.Some I care for and some I don't.But I treat them all the same in that I always inject levity in everything I can.I try to find the humor in everything(alright so not everything,sometimes it is not appropriate).
I sometimes wonder how close to crazy I am.I also know I am as sane as I am crazy so I am balanced and balance is good.
Anybody who thinks they can save humanity must be crazy therefore it will take a crazy person to save humanity.
Anna along with some more sleep you may need to eat some fish.Do you eat fish?Fish is brain food.

6:48 AM  
Blogger anna said...

I'm scared of fish.

7:53 AM  
Blogger rob said...

Anna,you just made me laugh too.You and MiKe are great!
I'm going to do a lunchtime post on our town meeting last night.It will represent a failed attempt at negotiating middle ground between a populace split down the middle on the school budget.Where have we seen that before.Half of the town was going to go away mad and the other half happy.I expressed that would be a shame.I didn't want anybody to go away happy.I thought the misery should be shared.Split the differnce and let the chips fall where they may.People are unwilling to come to negotiate and it is causing huge problems.Everybody (except for a few)looked at me as if I was speaking chinese.(can you imagine that?)
Buncha hillbillies(I can say this because they still call me a flatlander).

8:19 AM  
Blogger rob said...

I'll just tell you that the school budget passed.It is 1.5 million dollars for a school of 56 kids.That's alot of money but it is $80,000.00 more than last year to put it in context.
121 votes (small town you know)
Half the town was unhappy.
I voted to pass the budget for reasons I won't go into.
I should therefore be on the happy side,but I'm not because I see a missed opportunity to hammer out differences and each side give a little.
I go crazy about this because the disturbing part is that we are talking about an elementary school and small children and it is ironic because the "adults" act more like children than the children.
MiKe I know what you see through your eyes when you look at us and I'm sorry about that because your right,we're pathetic sometimes.It is very disturbing.
People portray themselves as victims,I rarely see that,I see a bunch of volunteers.
I spend too much time thinking about minutia but it does serve a purpose and besides I can't help it.I enjoy the small things myself and now it is magnified by watching my children find the treasures they always find.I hope this explains a few things more clearly.

For Anna,
Quick and to the point.
I have been indoctrinated to kill bugs,it's OK to me.
Others have been indoctrined to fly planes into buildings,it's just fine.
Anything else and you'll have to stay after class.
your very looney_poemster

11:50 AM  
Blogger rob said...

Ditto Inky
Have a great time and don't do any worrying I'll be here and I'll do it for you!

12:04 PM  
Blogger rob said...

You sure?

8:01 AM  
Blogger rob said...

You mean 3 comments

6:16 PM  
Blogger Sara S said...

i'm so confused

3:35 AM  

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