Friday, August 20, 2021

Mecca Redirect

 Sorry. Its time. I don't even know what direction I should face to face Mecca. I mean yeah, it might have been nice to, you know, know what WTF I'm writing about before I write about it but why? This all culminates not from me mind you, but from yous. And besides, we have all manner of experts that disagree and that leaves us to choose whatever the heck we want. Thats the way it should be too. Only with better platforms one day maybe. Apple and to a lesser extent Android suck.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 Twatter is what I sometimes call @twitter because it seems to be a requirement of employment there from the CEO on down to be a twat. 

My account has been permanently suspended and this could have been attributable to a  manifold of complaints by the more liberal twatters that you run into there. I think it stemmed from something likely midweek because it was only after careful consideration that they suspended my account. 

Whatever happened I just wanted to say thanks. It's a godawful time sink.

Sunday, August 01, 2021

I'll do it live, I'LL DO IT LIVE!

 Testing, hoohaa. How's that for cornball?