Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Flashback 1972

Friday night,Seaside Ave. Stamford,Conn.
Paperboy collecting for the week for the local newspaper.Kids come to the door and then go get the money from the mother and give it to the paperpoy.
The paperboy....me.
One of the boys....nicman.

Ahead some 20 years to 1992 when I met my wife Jayne.One of her best friends....nicman.

So nicman and I knew each other personally before starting the blog and he came to it in a different manner.I asked if he would check it out and let me know what he thought about it.
I really did not ask anyone else to look at it because their opinion wouldn't have mattered to me.In fact some peoples opinions if negative would have indicated to me that I was heading in the right direction.It's a kind of backwards validation game that I like to play with.It's most fun when I actually tell them,it goes like this:
Me: "Hey what do you think of my blog."
Them: "It's stupid."
Me: "Alright,thank you,now I know I'm on the right track".

This may come as a surprise to him but I thought if nicman liked the blog then I would know it was something special.I get the feeling he thinks it's OK.I checked his link on the comment and I see he started up a blog of his own.I was a little off the ball though, because I see it was started on the 16.That's not like me at all but better late than never.I'm going to formally link to his site and at the same time start to drop some of the nonparticipating ones listed for obvious reasons.If I am mistaken please ask and I will put it back up.

At present he has two posts up and is new to blogging so I don't want to put any pressure on him but by the same token it's nice to have people come for a visit.So, to coin another religious tenent "Do unto others".


Blogger Nicman said...

Hey Robster

I'm not sure about the paperboy thing but I know we go back (even if it's indirectly) before you met Jayne. I don't know that I ever considered you an asshole. But you could be a bit cantankerous after enbibing in adult beverages. But then most people do.

I have a theory on assholes. I try to be careful who I call an asshole these days. You see, to me being an asshole is like wearing a hat that gets passed around. Today that guy who cut me off in traffic can be wearing that hat. But one day I'm gonna have that hat on too.

This blog thing is cool. I like sharing thoughts, feelings, ideas. To me it's a very spiritual type of thing. Thanks for linking me.

I know nothing about this yet, but I'm interested to learn.

Post on people!!!!

10:16 PM  
Blogger rob said...

I admit it,nicman and was going to do a post on being an asshole driver.One day not to long ago I took my turn at being an asshole roadwise.Nothing intentional just shouldn't have stayed home,pure and simple.So,then I reasoned it would be OK to cut some people some slack,too.You still gotta watch out for the full timers though.
When Tommy was born I started to think about alcohol and how I was no longer comfortable with not being in total control of my faculties at all times.I soon after decided there was no longer any room in my life for the Jimmy Buffet and the "it's 5 O'clock somewhere" lifestyle I led.I'm never comfortable with wishing I could change anything in the past because I like where I am now.
All this time I thought you guys were on my paper route.
I'll have to talk to you to see where I went wrong.
I look forward to reading your blog nicman.
Here's to you!

7:09 AM  

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