Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I spent a few days in CT going through the basement at my parents house and my father sure saved alot of stuff.Too much stuff but that was the way he was.I took a whole load of metal to the scrap yard in my van and there still is more but it was about all the weight I felt comfortable putting in it.I took a load of things home to VT,things I wanted to keep and I'll need to go again atleast one more time to finish up.

The house is too big for one person so next year I think my mother will sell it.I know she doesn't want to but realistically it is best.She does her gardening and yardwork herself and it really is the nicest looking yard for many many miles around.Not big but nice.It will break her heart to leave her garden for sure.People ride by and comment all the time when they are stopped at the stoplight at the intersection.

She broke her leg and collarbone recently descending the cellar stairs in a fashion not recommended for anyone except hollywood stuntmen.My father called 911 but now she'll be alone so it's too dangerous.There is no way to contain all the energy she has and asking her to take it easy and not to do something is an excersize in futility but has to at least be attempted.She doesn't want to live in VT and I don't blame her at all for that.Condos I don't think will have enough garden for her either so it will be interesting to see where this leads.

That's where I've been so don't send out the dogs looking for me I know it's been over 24 hours but I'm good.Hope you all are too.



Blogger MiKe said...

Hey Rob,

Just felt like saying hi and i'm also sorry about your dad. BTW the exams I kept mentioning a few months ago turned out to be ok, my results were very good. I still have two more years of school (and exams) but that should be ok.


5:12 PM  
Blogger rob said...

Thank you MiKe.
Good to hear about the exams.I figured you would do good as long as you tried.How did the summer job go?Did you learn anything interesting or have any funny stories about your dealings with the public?
It's real good to hear from you.
Take care

6:52 AM  
Blogger boabhan sith said...

...just checkin' in on ya...
Hope you're doing okay...I'm very sorry for you.
I just got a call today that my 90yr old grandma is in the hospital waiting on surgery. It doesn't look good, guys...I'm so not ready to loose her yet.

10:30 AM  

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