Monday, July 12, 2004

Growing up I always thought that Yin/Yang (we said ying yang) was a derogatory word."Your a YingYang" or "they got money out the ying yang".I naturally thought it meant asshole.Wasn't til much later I learned of the true significance of the symbol.

I became more interested in chinese philosophy by watching the tv show kung fu with David Carradine.Bruce Lee and the martial arts popularity really skyrocketed in that era.I latched on to a few things that I still remember and live by today but I never had a desire to learn the martial arts.

The symbol represents "everything" and I suspect they mean "everything".The white basically means the good and the black is the antithesis of the white.The little eye looking things are to represent that things aren't all black and white.It certainly is a balanced symbol.Yea, I know, so what?

Well, I think it is a highly scalable symbol that is, it can represent "all" or it can represent just me and maybe my life just as well.The good and bad within me if you will.

The chinese believe that both sides are needed for balance, one side doesn't exist without the other.Not withstanding anything I've said previously I believe the same thing.I like to think of myself as hanging out in the good side but I know I need to have my bad side,it serves to protect me in my everyday life.There are too many things out there coming from too many different directions at a constant clip that have every intention of causing me some type of harm or trouble.I'm sure you know the feeling.

It could be an actual physical attack on your being or even something as mundane (although much more common(I hope))as dispensing of the latest dinnertime telephone solicitors or anything in between.It has taken me time to "harden myself off" after a youth spent aquiescing all too readily because of peer pressure or worry of criticism from others of doing the things I felt were right for me.I try now to be short and to the point with people as well as being courteous, I don't want to leave room for doubt.

I've heard it said that there are two kinds of people:
Those that turn everything outwards and destroy others or
Those that turn everything inwards and destroy themselves
If nobody minds I'll just keep striving for balance because I'm not happy with the choices.


Blogger rob said...

Tell those clipboard people that you'd love to answer their questions as soon as they provide you with the billing address for your time.

7:09 AM  
Blogger Terrence said...

This is a good post, I agree that we must find our balance. In doing so though we must realise that we are responsible for our actions and thoughts. No one can make you do something you don't want to do. You have to give up your power in order for someone to have it over you.

I like what the Yin/Yang tries to show us. It shows two things. First that Light and Dark must be in balance but as that in light there is dark and in dark there is light

Just a Note: In your link to my site "The White Wall" you have my Name Spelled as "Terence" it shoudl be "Terrence" just a minor thing no big deal but just thought I'd let you know.


7:13 AM  
Blogger rob said...

Ah, the minor details are something that need attention as those are the ones start to set you apart from rest.
I still have more to read on your site,I love the details you have there by the way.Very nicely done.How hard is the "Movable Type" program to learn for a novice Terrence?

7:37 AM  
Blogger rob said...

Come to think of it I'll probably do a follow up to this.
Maybe something like "How to be a Prick for Fun and Profit."
We'll have to see.

8:08 AM  
Blogger Terrence said...

I don't know if I can really say how difficult MovableType is for a novice. I can't really say I'm a novice. I work in the IT field and I am fairly technical. I have some issues in the set up but they were mostly caused by me not completely reading the instructions. Once it's up and running there are no problems, it's easy to administer and such. Most of the problems I had was setting up the server and scripts. The biggest problem I had was setting up the datebase, but I ended up going the easy way and now I'm looking at having to upgrade.

That being said I think there are good reasons to using MovableTyple or other blogging software and with goign with Blogger. You have to pick which on is best for you. And as you point out on my blog it's not the setup that the killer in the tinkering (You know if you don't stop playing with it, it might fall off) :)


1:04 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Amen to Inky and Rob. I like Rob's suggestion for the clipboard mongers. Like Inky, and I feel like most women, I overanalyze things. I've gotten better at not doing it so much, but part of me gets a kick out of it because it challenges my brain to draw conclusions, work on logic, and such.

3:21 PM  
Blogger Peg said...

Just a smile.

1:02 AM  
Blogger anna said...

no time to read the post. I'm sure it's insightful and all. But you said ying-yang in the first sentence and so now I must call you one. You ying-yang.

11:09 PM  
Blogger rob said...

Yea, I know anna.I got incite coming out the Yin/Yang.

7:14 AM  

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