I want to let you all in on a little secret.I hope your not too put off.
I must confess,I'm not really a_poemster or should I say I have none of the qualifications that one would expect of a_poemster.I've always had an appreciation for musicians and the way they write lyrics and put them to music.I sense it is the same with all of us here.
I do not play an instrument and I cannot sing to anyone but myself and I am OK with that.But I like the idea of putting my thoughts into words and I try to make it an enjoyable read.I will keep trying to improve.I have been doing this blog since June 1 when I sent a little poem to people who had blogs.Other than in high school I never wrote anything and if you saw my grades in school you would not be impressed at all.Well maybe in the fact that I did graduate if nothing else.
Now I list my qualifications for all new endeavors as being just two things.
1) I breathe in
2) I breathe out.
That's it.When these things cease I will be qualified to only push up daisies,
I'll deal with that then.
The rest is just the desire and the willingness to push your dreams through.And that is what your in for,a constant push.Not this little blog mind you,this is easy,though it takes effort, I like it and that is what makes it easy.You have made this thoroughly enjoyable.If it wasn't for you I would not have kept an interest,that's for sure.
In almost anything you do you will most likely meet with resistance.Wether it is bureaucratic or professional in nature or even from those immediately around you,you will need to constantly weigh and reweigh the decisions you need to take along the way.You may opt to keep going or to quit what you are doing based on many factors.And then, if your like me, you wing it.Let your instincts guide you.
Ideas are funny things and oft times you will not be able to explain to anyone the merits of what you want to do and therefore you will receive very little help or encouragement.Maybe I'm being too kind here,I should say you may meet with some negativity or dismissive attitudes.Weigh and reweigh.That's okay, I knew it going in.
My other ventures I am also unqualified to do as well so I guess at least I have experience there, not that I would have been disuaded at all anyway. I'm not that smart.I want to design clothing and have a line of goods.I have set my sights high but I don't care if I'm the only one who wears them.I have been dealing with trademarks and embroiderers and store buyers and the reaction conservatively is 90% positive.Now I even want to make the clothes myself.If you haven't by now thought I was nuts this should do it.It also has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience even though it hasn't been easy.