Saturday, July 31, 2004

When in Rome

Imagination friendly
Points of view
Search the whole world over
For those with me
Sidestepping all the bullshit
From those that I deem blind
Supercedeing the hatred
With a loving touch
It burns hot within my soul
And my efforts are returned
With certain equal force
From those I wish to learn
About myself and
a certain riddle
And all the while
I'll be content
And while I burn
I'll sit and fiddle
And play my music here

Plugged In

I don't know how it happens
I can't begin to say why
Electrical pulses
Are processed
Into thoughts
I need to describe
I put them out raw
And refine them
I post them here for review
My wee treasure trove
Then circles the globe
In an instant I'm
Electrically speaking

A little punctuation between all the life yammering type poem.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

I'm not happy
I'm not doing
I'm Supposed
To be doing

I know
But it's true
I'd rather
Do something else

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Something is now quite clear
I should never need
To ever start drilling
In the Alaskan Wildlife Sanctuary
Of my mind in order to find
Untapped reservoirs of ideas
Although I do suspect
There are caribou there
Roaming around
I hear them sometimes
When it's quiet

Monday, July 26, 2004

I have arrived at this place
Right here where I am
In my own time and space
Everything else does surround
Emitting myself and all of the things
I have ever collected or found
Now as I look high above
I set it all free
Fly away on the wings of a dove

People come here expecting poems so here's a poem.

It's a bone poem.
I've got swarms of japanese beetles
Eating all the plants
When they're not busy eating
They're humping their little brains out
Maybe they have the right idea
It's time for lunch
A little rice and Kama Sutra

The first best way to kill these bugs is thermal nuclear warfare.
The second best way is to use what works the world over.
Sex traps
A sex trap is a plastic bag and a funnel supplied with a scented bag of whatever the hell some scientist found turns these beetles on.This stuff smells good.They fly into it and fall into the bag and are trapped.

I can recall being in a similar circumstance a few times.
I'm glad I lived to talk about it.
I don't know what's with me
You may be somewhat relieved
I'm developing carpal tunnel syndrome
I'm going to look into
Voice recognition software
I'm a problem solver remember
Which is good
Because I create so many
To solve

Friday, July 23, 2004

I want to let you all in on a little secret.I hope your not too put off.
I must confess,I'm not really a_poemster or should I say I have none of the qualifications that one would expect of a_poemster.I've always had an appreciation for musicians and the way they write lyrics and put them to music.I sense it is the same with all of us here.
I do not play an instrument and I cannot sing to anyone but myself and I am OK with that.But I like the idea of putting my thoughts into words and I try to make it an enjoyable read.I will keep trying to improve.I have been doing this blog since June 1 when I sent a little poem to people who had blogs.Other than in high school I never wrote anything and if you saw my grades in school you would not be impressed at all.Well maybe in the fact that I did graduate if nothing else.

Now I list my qualifications for all new endeavors as being just two things.

1) I breathe in

2) I breathe out.

That's it.When these things cease I will be qualified to only push up daisies,
I'll deal with that then.

The rest is just the desire and the willingness to push your dreams through.And that is what your in for,a constant push.Not this little blog mind you,this is easy,though it takes effort, I like it and that is what makes it easy.You have made this thoroughly enjoyable.If it wasn't for you I would not have kept an interest,that's for sure.

In almost anything you do you will most likely meet with resistance.Wether it is bureaucratic or professional in nature or even from those immediately around you,you will need to constantly weigh and reweigh the decisions you need to take along the way.You may opt to keep going or to quit what you are doing based on many factors.And then, if your like me, you wing it.Let your instincts guide you.

Ideas are funny things and oft times you will not be able to explain to anyone the merits of what you want to do and therefore you will receive very little help or encouragement.Maybe I'm being too kind here,I should say you may meet with some negativity or dismissive attitudes.Weigh and reweigh.That's okay, I knew it going in.

My other ventures I am also unqualified to do as well so I guess at least I have experience there, not that I would have been disuaded at all anyway. I'm not that smart.I want to design clothing and have a line of goods.I have set my sights high but I don't care if I'm the only one who wears them.I have been dealing with trademarks and embroiderers and store buyers and the reaction conservatively is 90% positive.Now I even want to make the clothes myself.If you haven't by now thought I was nuts this should do it.It also has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience even though it hasn't been easy.
Somedays I feel a little low and today is one of those days.
I awoke with a song in my head by Willie Nelson called "The Lucky Ol Sun"

Up in the morning
Out on the job
Work like the devil
For my pay
And the lucky ol sun
Ain't got nothin to do
Cept roll around heaven all day

Fuss with my woman
Too old for my kids
Sweat till I'm wrinkled and grey
But the lucky ol sun
Aint got nothin to do
But roll around heaven all day

Lord above can't you see I'm cryin
Tears are in my eyes
Send down a cloud
With a silver lining
Take me to paradise

Show me that river
Lead me across
Take all my troubles away
Like the lucky ol sun
I'll have nothin to do
But roll around heaven all day

He performs this song in a way I can't describe except you can feel his pain.
It coddles the sliver of me that sometimes wants to just give up.
I know,stop babying yourself poemster and get that "Theme From Rocky" playing again and I know I will.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

I'm seeing alot of visitors come from the update list at blogger in my stats and I see they stop by but don't stay long.So I get to thinking someone sees the name the_poemster (it's catchy) and clicks on the link and leaves.What on earth were they expecting here,poems or something.What the hell is wrong with people anyway?I gotta do nothing but poems from now on?I'm not gonna do that.It doesn't say "nothing but poems" by the_poemster does it? No, it doesn't.
Maybe I should write poems about sex,that would probably work.Yea right,screw that,I got your sex poem right here,sport.

You think it's easy being a_poemster.It's not easy.

current mood: course and abrasive

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

There are some new links over to the right and some old ones have been disappearing because of nonparticipation or not maintaining their own blog.If you are disinterested then chances are good so are others.
My "Ahsk not" quote was a subtle warning.Sorry to be a prick but I even went on about that too.Being a prick is important too.I actually think it is an attribute.As long as it's fair.
I am usually quite fair.But not always.Some will get different treatment for reasons beknownst only to me.
If I am wrong or you disagree you can tell me.
(remember Darth Vader saying "Perhaps you think you are being treated unfairly" to Billy Dee Williams in "Star Wars" Billy Dee says "No.")
Man, I love that line.I use it when I have to.
Seriously, if I made a mistake let me know I will put you back up.I'll even send you some Cosmos gear.

I appreciate excellence or at least an effort to achieve it.
My particular area of excellence is not writing so I will settle for trying.
Again, I am learning so much from all of you and I still believe in what you are doing.It's just that we might not be a good fit together, it is nothing personal I assure you.Most everyone here has made a great effort and has made a big difference to someone else.I see it and the evidence of it even though some of the evidence is now gone.I also feel it.

I personally try to keep up to date and also get to know newcomers by reading archives but time is a factor for all of us what you can or feel like doing.....and as always with everything in life be willing to accept the repercussions that stem from those decisions.
I have seen so much talent that I just feel so humble and happy you have chosen to share some of it with me.
To me, this is a place where people are making some time for each other for whatever reason exploring the common ground we're on and then showing great respect and sensitivity for what others are going through in their lives.It may very well be "The Warmest Place on the Web."Nothing is required except some sort of abstract willingness to be part of it that you are free to customize.A minimum is necessary.
Membership has it's rewards.
Rob (or at least Rob's prick side)

This is a special poem to address the last post and all the comments.

After forty-seven years
There's one thing I know
When the going gets weird
The weird turn pro
I'd sometimes think
I was the only one
That was capable
Of having this fun
I was wrong and
I learned now
That you know too
And to you I bow

You are all hereby
awarded honorary degrees
by the "College of the Cosmos"

(my Alma Mater)

Be One with the Universe
(Online courses for "The College" are for the first time being offered now for the fall semester 2004.)

WANTED: Professors,IT and Administrative staff for same.Inquire within.

("alright take him away")

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

When I was...oh....about thirteen I became a boy scout.
I had "graduated" from cub scouts.
This I hope will explain a little more about me.
It was a "fork in the road"

I received the "scout handbook"
On it was a geeky looking dude (I'm talking stereotypical roll model here)
With a geeky smile
Happy as can be
Walking to his right
Waving with his left hand
Looking at the reader
Holding the "scout handbook"
at his side
with his right hand
Here's the kicker:
On the book he was holding
Was himself
Holding a book
Of himself
I never got over this.I still (obviously) think about this.It was endless,infinite.
Holding a book of him holding a book of him holding a book infinitum.
Nuts huh?

Monday, July 19, 2004

When I retire
I want to travel
All around
This great nation
Chasing the sun
In a Winnebago
With one headlight punched out
And the left turn signal on
The whole way
Going ten miles under the speed limit
In the right hand lane
I can no longer
Safely drive
In the not too distant future
These Cortislim assholes
Will take their rightful place
On the top of the all-time

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Social Security Rap

Poemsta's on his high horse
Wansta start a discourse
An attempt to try to force
Congress to see us as the source
Of the monies that are spent
Remind em it ain heaven sent
See SS funds aren't lent
In ways that try to circumvent
What once was a good intent
If it ain broken den it's badly bent
They haven't saved a single cent
Don't even know where it went
Sorry, dog, gotta vent
All dis shit dat be pent
In the mind of this ol gent
I'll try now to the extent
With this rap I wrote
To address this sour note
And the time I devote
That I'll work to promote
The idea that we use our vote
Get them in the peoples boat
Instead of the one they put afloat
The special one that we all tote
While they wear their sable coat
And the attitude it does denote
They just sit back and gloat
This from me you can quote
Man, does it ever get my goat
Wipe right off that silly grin
And never mind the stupid spin
Cut right through the numbing din
Let them take it on the chin
Get some dirt on their soft skin
And let them "opt their ass back in"
Earnestly they'll then begin
To repair this sham and this sin
Although it may take many days
To get you started through this maze
This I think is a good first phase
One that'd be worthy of some praise
I hope that on our minds it stays
Until phase 2 and their next raise


Saturday, July 17, 2004

I was thinking of changing from the_poemster to da_poemsta.

You know like Prince or Puff Daddy.

But I got to thinking it really isn't necessary.I'll do a J.F. Kerry thing and state right now that the_poemster and da_poemsta are absolutely interchangable.They mean the same thing.

Also I'm doing another rap and the subject is a particular government malfeasance.

This rap stuff be dope.Probably why I like it no doubt.

While I'm doing JFK related stuff I might as well throw in:

Ahsk not what your poemsta can do for you
Ahsk what you can do for your poemsta


Thursday, July 15, 2004

Presidential_Poemsta Rap
(This ones for Libby for her appreciation of the first poemsta_rap )
(sing as rap music,any rap music)

Poemsta for president
In 2008
I would run this year
But it's a little too late
Get rid a da Senate
Put da House on da street
Jus me an da poemsta gang
We could't be beat
We'd still need two parties
But not the same kind
One before, one after
No one would mind
Rewrite the Constitution
An make it all rhyme
Den add some music
It be right on time
Make da United Nations
A multi-cultural band
With many mucho instruments
I know it'd sound grand
When da udda countries
Hear dis cool new mix
Dey'll wanna get together
Yea,even da dicks
Do something useful
Instead of da killin
Dance to da hip hop
Den we be chillin
In da UK we got Inky
She's our Tony Blair
Alot better looking
With much longer hair
My VP be Libby
To help carry da sout
An let me know when
To shut my big mout
Secretary of State
I have to name Peg
We'll call her to action
To put da tap on da keg
Sec of Defense
Of course, da Rogue Wit
He ain gonna put up
Wit too much bullshit
My Chief of Staff
Will be da nicman
He'll plan his work
Den work his plan
How about anna
I'll need an intern
And at seventeen
She may be eager to learn
For Poet Laureat
If she's up to da fight
I'll ask that esse
Turn dark into light
If Boabhan Sith
Would be my Karen Hughes
To keep me straight
And give me da cues
Ta hit da ground running
Cut more of yo taxes
Den I say we
Fire up dem sax's
An play dem guitars
Bang on dose drums
An get rid of all
Dose arrogant bums
Eight years dog
It'd be just great
Den say President Libby...
Yo,for another eight

Monday, July 12, 2004

Growing up I always thought that Yin/Yang (we said ying yang) was a derogatory word."Your a YingYang" or "they got money out the ying yang".I naturally thought it meant asshole.Wasn't til much later I learned of the true significance of the symbol.

I became more interested in chinese philosophy by watching the tv show kung fu with David Carradine.Bruce Lee and the martial arts popularity really skyrocketed in that era.I latched on to a few things that I still remember and live by today but I never had a desire to learn the martial arts.

The symbol represents "everything" and I suspect they mean "everything".The white basically means the good and the black is the antithesis of the white.The little eye looking things are to represent that things aren't all black and white.It certainly is a balanced symbol.Yea, I know, so what?

Well, I think it is a highly scalable symbol that is, it can represent "all" or it can represent just me and maybe my life just as well.The good and bad within me if you will.

The chinese believe that both sides are needed for balance, one side doesn't exist without the other.Not withstanding anything I've said previously I believe the same thing.I like to think of myself as hanging out in the good side but I know I need to have my bad side,it serves to protect me in my everyday life.There are too many things out there coming from too many different directions at a constant clip that have every intention of causing me some type of harm or trouble.I'm sure you know the feeling.

It could be an actual physical attack on your being or even something as mundane (although much more common(I hope))as dispensing of the latest dinnertime telephone solicitors or anything in between.It has taken me time to "harden myself off" after a youth spent aquiescing all too readily because of peer pressure or worry of criticism from others of doing the things I felt were right for me.I try now to be short and to the point with people as well as being courteous, I don't want to leave room for doubt.

I've heard it said that there are two kinds of people:
Those that turn everything outwards and destroy others or
Those that turn everything inwards and destroy themselves
If nobody minds I'll just keep striving for balance because I'm not happy with the choices.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

I'm going to do a post on how my mind works when it is presented with a particular problem in fact a series of problems that are inter-related.

My sister has two desires:

1 Build a chicken coop on a property she has recently purchased.
2 Enter a float in the 4 of July Parade next year.


1 The property is in the flood plain so no structure can be erected.


Build the chicken coop on a flatbed trailer able to be towed.Now that the coop is movable it is not considered a structure and is only required to be moved every six months.Paint the coop the same color scheme as the house and you can then tow the chickens as a float in the parade next year.

I didn't use any stones.
I didn't kill any birds.
I solved two problems(for her not me)
Not only did I not harm any birds they could thrive actually.

I don't really feel like doing any of this as I am only "an idea man."If I procrastinate long enough hopefully she'll forget about it and I will save her money.Just go buy the eggs at the store.
Cause this old rooster don't want any part of it.
I'd rather build a greenhouse and use it to also generate solar heating for the house.
But since I already opened my big mouth, if I have to do it,it will fall under the 98% rule of creating my own problems.
Nobody else to blame.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Rooster Restoration

A couple of posts ago I told you of the carved wooden rooster that was in need of a restoration and at the same time I thought I would restore myself as well. Remember I was born in the year of the rooster so I'll be Rooster numero uno.

Wooden Rooster
The wooden rooster needs to be cleaned,some of the wood has a rot and is so soft it will not hold paint.Much of the paint is missing and certain parts of the feet have broken off and have not been kept so I will have to fashion replacement parts.I will then attach the parts and deal with the rot with a product that will harden the wood by seeping into it and drying.This will fix that problem.Splits in the wood will be handled with auto body filler.Then I will sand the bird,prime and paint it.It should provide many years of service guarding the chicken coop at my sister's farm.

Rooster Numero Uno
I need a point in time to restore to so I will pick age 25.It is a reasonable goal I feel.I weigh about ten pounds more then I did then.I think that's actually good I am 165 pounds now.I would not have minded being 165 back then at all.I found it hard to gain weight actually.I can pinch an inch though so I will address this issue.
My hairline has receded enough that I now shave my head because I don't like doing things halfway and I didn't want "half hair" so I opt for "no hair".All or nothing hair care I guess.People inform me it is a good look for me and I get inundated with "you look like Bruce Willis".
Bruce called me and said he has been hearing "you look like that poemster guy." If I ever need a stand in maybe I could call him.

From time to time I could use a little "wood hardener" myself but hey, I'm forty-seven you know and I live a ways from the nearest hospital so I'd be a little nervous.We'll see ,I'm sure that "wood" deserve a separate post with a higher rating no doubt.
Alright so far so good.I work physically so I am in good shape and it's hard to believe I need to exercise but I do need to work on my inner workings.I will work on my cardiovascular and check my cholesterol.Recently my blood preesure has been up from my usual 120/80. Not much but I think I'll do something right now.
Cholesterol was always good but I will check that soon and see if I need to do anything there as the acceptable level guidelines have been lowered .

Thursday, July 08, 2004

A quick note
Today is anna banana's seventeenth birthday so:
Happy Birthday anna!
Stop by her site and leave a birthday wish.
I'd sing but......

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

A Prayer for my Father

Our lives they must all come to an end
Whether blessing or curse, we never know when
But in our minds and hearts we must always carry
A faith in God to help us when weary

Everlasting peace is what you deserve,
Enjoy now God's love with inexhaustible reserve
Watch over us still wondering aimlessly in the world
Especially your wife and your little girl

I pray you sleep well in God's comforting arms
Be assured you're now protected from further harms
Rest now my father now free from pain
Good bye for now, until we meet again.

--Sara do Paco

This prayer, written by Sara, is posted on her site.I requested to also post it here.Please, if you wish to write a note please go to esse's "The Voice Inside My Head" site.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

I'm sorry to say that esse's dad has passed away.
There will be no posts for a few days so as to pay respect.

Monday, July 05, 2004

I took in a 2 foot high wooden rooster for restoration.This sure is something different and I think I will make a video,maybe I can call it "This Old Rooster" or something.The level of detail in the carving is just beautiful.Somebody put alot of love into this guy and I will be doing the same.I wonder what the face of the person who carved it looks like.There is a lot of wood rot and checking so I will get started immediately but I will also take my time.His paint is chipped and faded but he once was a handsome and brightly colored bird.I was born in the year of the rooster.Must there always be so much symbolism in my life.
Could it be that the universe is converging on my corn fed ass.
I will be restoring myself at the same time.
Peace all you beautiful birds

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Alright,just some news not really a post.
Inky has a new blog and you'll find a link to it on the right called Angelic Whispers.
Terence has three new beautiful poems posted today.

I am taking my wife Jayne to go see Hugh Jackman on Broadway playing "The Boy from OZ"
It is a play about Peter Allen.I saw Peter Allen in the 70's at Radio City Music Hall and he was just fantastic.I am sure I was the only person working on a concrete construction crew in Conn. that loved Peter Allen.I will never forget that show and his antics.To me he was a very talented songwriter and performer.He was so much fun.There was a biography on him recently and I saw they mentioned this play and it looked like fun. I like Jackman too so I'm looking forward to it.
When my baby smiles at me I go to Rio......... de..Janiero
I'm a salsa fellow
I've tried to get around the Happiness X 2 thing and I really can't it's just too vast and complicated.So, I choose to cleave it in half instead.Basically it is Happiness x 1 squared.
I did a post on divorce on my anniversary (makes perfect sense,right?)(I know I'm wierd)
and it basically said that the men I knew who were served papers were surprised and didn't know it was coming.I flippantly said basically that not a day goes by when I would be overly shocked by this event.Why not,is it because I'm a jerk or something?No,not because I am a jerk,that's just incidental, but it is because I know I can never "make someone happy".Maybe for short while every now and then but not full time till death do us part.You are responsible for your own happiness.
All I can say is that communication is one of the keys to keeping tensions down till the next situation comes along.
This blog has been a contentious issue in our house for reasons you can guess.Everyone doesn't like it,well not all of it and I have to understand that so I will have to compromise somewhere or show her where it's not all bad.It has a cathartic effect for me and besides I like it,it stimulates my mind and it is helping me on all sorts of levels.Right now it is my only "hobby" and I have never been without a hobby since I've known her.It's "trickle down" happiness if you will.You think that'll fly?
There are two sides to a story and you owe it to each other to try to understand the other side.

The Water is Wide (traditional)

The water is wide
I can't cross Over
And neither have
I wings to fly
Build me a boat
That can carry two
And both shall row
My love and I
There is a ship
And she sails the sea
She's loaded deep
As deep can be
But not so deep
As the love I'm in
I know not how
I sink or swim
Oh love is handsome
And love is fine
The sweetest flower
When first it's new
But love grows old
And waxes cold
And fades away
Like summer dew
Build me a boat
That can carry two
And both shall row
My love and I

The version I have is sung by James Taylor on NEW MOON SHINE cd
He does a pure unembellished version and that I think the song needs.
The musical arrangement is equally simple but beautiful and lets the lyrics take the stage
I absolutely love it.

No more SUNDAY SERMONS as I do not want to be flippant about religion in any way.


Saturday, July 03, 2004

Today is the 55 Annual Wardsboro 4th of July Parade and as usual the cars are heading north on Rt 100 to pack the almost nonexistant town for the festivities.Heading south on Rt 100 is my family going to Conn. again this time for my wife's sister's bitrthday.I am not going either North or South so I'll head West over to a lake that's nestled in the mountains with a kayak and go exploring.It will count for college credits.A little solitude is good for the boy.

And it was just an any old kind of day
The kind that comes and slips away
The kind that fills up easy my lifestyle

The night brought any old kind of dark
I heard the ticking of my heart
So why'm I thinking somethings left behind

Harry Chapin


Friday, July 02, 2004

Two weekends when I was in Connecticut I took Tommy and Caroline(my kids) to the beach.Tommy is seven and Caroline is two.We went to a private beach since I didn't have a beach sticker for the public ones.I used to go to this beach because some of my friends lived in the association that was entitled to use it.We parked not far up the road at the house of someone I knew.
Upon walking across the grass and arriving at the sandy beach I noticed a man sitting at a picnic table that was on the beach.He had an orange ballcap and t-shirt on and a beer and cigarettes in front of him.He did not look our way.The kids went straight toward the water and I walked nearer to the man.
He started to look familiar and then I realized I knew him from this very park were we used to play football and baseball and basketball some 35 years ago.
Now I had heard that he had mental illness problems and had gone off the deep end a few times so I didn't know what to expect but I called his name while walking toward him.He looked at me and said "Robby M".
I smiled and said "Well aren't you a nice man to remember a friendly face from the past."
I sat down and asked "What do you say we call up the guys and play a little football?" and he replied looking at me and smiling "Baseball."
MK are his initials and he and JH used to play myself and JR in basketball and as he recalled they could never beat us, it was always 21 to 17.I really hadn't remembered those details and we talked more and laughed about some other things.I remember he and JH were just so fast,they would do a little head fake and run right past you.
He was lucid and articulate and I was happy that he was doing so well.He was always such a good kid always smiling.
I watched my kids look for treasure along the shore the way I had done when I was their age.Tommy has the blonde hair and blue eyes that I had as a child and it was like I was seeing myself way back when, playing by the shore.
I knew it wasn't the end of the line but I also knew I had come full circle.

unlimited learning and earning potential
apply within
not multi-level marketing
the_poemster seeks qualified individual or individuals (within the same person even)for hands on training to become fully liscensed poemster.Great opportunity for the self starter.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

I need more time on this one.I'm doing the sequel to the happiness post.It's called Happiness X Two and it
addresses being married and being happy.And you thought being happy was tough.I need more time because I just had a huge fight with my wife .I got some nerve,huh?
I'm kidding about the fight thing, I do need more time though, there are two sides to the story.